Romy Jaster

I am a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy at Humboldt University Berlin, where I am responsible for the "Philosophy & the Public Sphere" research area. Currently, I mainly work on disinformation, especially fake news, conspiracy theories, political bullshit, and echo chambers. Most of my previous work is on ability and free will. I have also written a number of papers on invitational issues related to academic freedom and so-called cancel culture. As a public philosopher, I mainly comment on topics related to epistemology, discourse and argumentation theory, especially in the context of disinformation, digital transformation of the public sphere, disagreement and discourse ethics - unfortunately entirely in German so far.

In 2020, my book "Agents' Abilities" was published by De Gruyter, and in 2019, a book on fake news in German, co-authored with David Lanius, was published by Reclam.

Here is some of my other published work: 

To get in touch, send me an email.